Instagram channel properties

There are Instagram channel-specific properties that can be used when making calls to the Conversation API. These properties can be listed under channel_properties in the message request.

For example, below is the code for adding the channel specific property INSTAGRAM_MESSAGE_TAG to a Conversation API call:

  "app_id": "{{APP_ID}}",
  "recipient": {
    "contact_id": "{{CONTACT_ID}}"
  "message": {
    "text_message": {
      "text": "Text message from Sinch Conversation API."
  "channel_priority_order": ["INSTAGRAM"],
  "channel_properties": {

The relevant Instagram channel properties are detailed in the table below:

Property name Property value
INSTAGRAM_MESSAGE_TAG Required on the Instagram channel when providing human agent support. All messages sent by a human agent outside of a normal 24-hour response window must use the HUMAN_AGENT tag. The HUMAN_AGENT tag allows messages to be sent within 7 days after the end-user’s last message.
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