SMS channel best practices

The following best practices are recommended when configuring an SMS channel for use with the Conversation API.

International considerations for the SMS service plan


When sending messages to different countries, customers are obligated to comply with all applicable regulations and requirements pertaining to that country. The Sinch Customer Dashboard contains comprehensive Country Information pages, which detail regulatory and compliance information to help you communicate successfully with different countries.

To ensure the best experience for your end user, we recommend that you set default sender IDs for your service plan for each country in which you have an active user base.


By default, most telecom operators allow end users to send internationally. However, to be able to respond to the end user, a national registered sender ID is often required.

To request domestic long numbers in all relevant countries, please visit the Numbers section in the Sinch Customer Dashboard. Once the numbers have been requested, please contact your Account Manager to request that these numbers be assigned as default originators in their respective countries.

If you want to use a different sender from your default originator, please refer to the information regarding the SMS_SENDER property in SMS channel properties.


The Conversation API is regional. Your Conversation API App must be created in the same region that your service plan is provisioned. If your Conversation API App is created in a different region than the service plan is provisioned, the SMS channel will report errors.

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