Playing Ringtones

Details on playing audio using SINAudioController.

Playing Ringtones

SINAudioController provides functionality for playing sounds that are related to a call, such as ringtones and busy tones. The relevant methods are startPlayingSoundFile:loop: and stopPlayingSoundFile.

The sound file must be a mono (1 channel), 16-bit, uncompressed (PCM) .wav file with a sample rate of 8kHz, 16kHz, or 32kHz.

Example of playing a file when the call has reached progress state:

- (void)callDidProgress:(id<SINCall>)call {
    NSString* soundFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"my_progress_tone" ofType:@"wav"];
    id<SINAudioController> audioController = [self.sinchClient audioController];
    [audioController startPlayingSoundFile:soundFilePath loop:NO];

Stop the sound when the call is established and/or when the call ends.

    - (void)callDidEstablish:(id<SINCall>)call {
      id<SINAudioController> audioController = [self.sinchClient audioController];
      [[self audioController] stopPlayingSoundFile];

    - (void)callDidEnd:(id<SINCall>)call {
      id<SINAudioController> audioController = [self.sinchClient audioController];
      [[self audioController] stopPlayingSoundFile];

Further details on SINAudioController and how to use it can be found in the Reference documentation.

Applications that prefer to use their own code for playing sounds are free to do so, but they should follow the guidelines for use of the shared iOS Audio Session

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