Rent and configure your virtual number using Node.js

After searching for a number, rent and configure that number for SMS, Voice or both.


Before you can get started, you need the following already set up:

Learn how to quickly configure SMS your number in a Node.js application with the Sinch Numbers API.

Rent and configure your virtual number

Fill in your parameters

  1. Paste the Rent and configure a virtual number code in place of the search for a virtual number code in the index.mjs file (or create a new .mjs file with the name of your choice!).
  2. Replace following parameter values on your index.mjs file:
ParameterYour value
YOUR_usernameyour client_id or key_id found in the Sinch Customer Dashboard.
YOUR_passwordYour client_secret or key_secret. This is generated upon new key creation in the Customer Dashboard. Generate a new key if you have lost your secret key.
YOUR_servicePlanIdYour SMS service plan IDThis is only required for SMS configuration.
YOUR_10DLC_campaignIdYour 10DLC campaign ID for this campaign. Found on the TCR platform. Remove this parameter entirely for non-10DLC numbers.
YOUR_appIdThe Voice app ID or voice API key. Found in the Customer Dashboard.
YOUR_ProjectIDThe project ID found in the Customer Dashboard.
YOUR_PhoneNumberThe virtual phone number that you previously searched for and would like to rent.
  1. Then, save the file.

Run the file

Run the following command:

node index.mjs


You should get a response similar to this one:

  "phoneNumber": "+12025550134",
  "projectId": "51bc3f40-f266-4ca8-8938-a1ed0ff32b9a",
  "displayName": "string",
  "regionCode": "US",
  "type": "MOBILE",
  "capability": [
  "money": {
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "amount": "2.00"
  "paymentIntervalMonths": 0,
  "nextChargeDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "expireAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "smsConfiguration": {
    "servicePlanId": "82b42acf74924bd687ef9fb212f2060c",
    "scheduledProvisioning": {
      "servicePlanId": "82b42acf74924bd687ef9fb212f20611",
      "status": "WAITING",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "campaignId": "string",
      "errorCodes": [
    "campaignId": "string"
  "voiceConfiguration": {
    "appId": "string",
    "scheduledVoiceProvisioning": {
      "appId": "string",
      "status": "WAITING",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
    "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

Next steps

Send a message to yourself using the SMS API or the Voice API (after setting each up accordingly) to verify that the configuration was successful.

Additional resources

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Rent and configure a virtual number

import fetch from 'node-fetch';

async function run() {
  const projectId = 'YOUR_projectId';
  const phoneNumber = 'YOUR_phoneNumber';
  const resp = await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        Authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('YOUR_username>:YOUR_password').toString('base64')
      body: JSON.stringify({
        smsConfiguration: {
          servicePlanId: 'YOUR_servicePlanId',
          scheduledProvisioning: {
            status: 'WAITING',
            errorCodes: ['INTERNAL_ERROR']
          campaignId: 'YOUR_10DLC_campaignId'
        voiceConfiguration: {
          appId: 'YOUR_appId',
          scheduledProvisioning: {status: 'WAITING'}

  const data = await resp.json();
