Auto Encoding

Auto Encoding helps reduce the number of message parts in an SMS message by converting characters from glyphs into transliterated characters.

For example, instead of using six of your allowable characters to send a US dollar sign in your message, the Auto Encoding feature will send it as one character. This is because $ in Unicode becomes U+FE691.

Learn more about character support and using special characters in your SMS messaging.

How to enable Auto Encoding

Contact your account manager to have the Auto Encoding feature enabled on your account.


To see how your message will look after Auto Encoding is enabled, and to see the number of message parts generated, use the POST Dry run method.


  • Emojis will remain in Unicode.
  • Languages that are character-based will still remain in Unicode.
  • Any character not found in the table below becomes Unicode.
  • Only messages that exceed the alloted characters will be converted. Otherwise, they will remain in Unicode if your whole message fits in one message part.

Characters replaced by Auto Encoding

The following Unicode characters are replaced by GSM characters. Note that apparent empty spaces are varying forms of whitespace.

Unicode Character Replacement
\u00ab « "
\u00bb » "
\u201c "
\u201d "
\u02ba ʺ "
\u02ee ˮ "
\u201f "
\u275d "
\u275e "
\u301d "
\u301e "
\uff02 "
\u2018 '
\u2019 '
\u02bb ʻ '
\u02c8 ˈ '
\u02bc ʼ '
\u02bd ʽ '
\u02b9 ʹ '
\u201b '
\uff07 '
\u00b4 ´ '
\u02ca ˊ '
\u0060 ` | '
\u02cb ˋ '
\u275b '
\u275c '
\u0313 ̓ '
\u0314 ̔ '
\ufe10 '
\ufe11 '
\u00f7 ÷ /
\u00bc ¼ 1/4
\u00bd ½ 1/2
\u00be ¾ 3/4
\u29f8 /
\u0337 ̷ /
\u0338 ̸ /
\u2044 /
\u2215 /
\uff0f /
\u29f9 \
\u29f5 \
\u20e5 \
\ufe68 \
\uff3c \
\u0332 ̲ _
\uff3f _ _
\u20d2 |
\u20d3 |
\u2223 |
\uff5c |
\u23b8 |
\u23b9 |
\u23d0 |
\u239c |
\u239f |
\u23bc -
\u23bd -
\u2015 -
\ufe63 -
\uff0d -
\u2010 -
\u2022 -
\u2043 -
\ufe6b @
\uff20 @
\ufe69 $
\uff04 $
\u01c3 ǃ !
\ufe15 !
\ufe57 !
\uff01 !
\ufe5f #
\uff03 #
\ufe6a %
\uff05 %
\ufe60 &
\uff06 &
\u0326 ̦ ,
\ufe50 ,
\u3001 ,
\ufe51 ,
\uff0c ,
\uff64 ,
\u2768 (
\u276a (
\ufe59 (
\uff08 (
\u27ee (
\u2985 (
\u2769 )
\u276b )
\ufe5a )
\uff09 )
\u27ef )
\u2986 )
\u204e *
\u2217 *
\u229b *
\u2722 *
\u2723 *
\u2724 *
\u2725 *
\u2731 *
\u2732 *
\u2733 *
\u273a *
\u273b *
\u273c *
\u273d *
\u2743 *
\u2749 *
\u274a *
\u274b *
\u29c6 *
\ufe61 *
\uff0a *
\u02d6 ˖ +
\ufe62 +
\uff0b +
\u3002 .
\ufe52 .
\uff0e .
\uff61 .
\uff10 0
\uff11 1
\uff12 2
\uff13 3
\uff14 4
\uff15 5
\uff16 6
\uff17 7
\uff18 8
\uff19 9
\u02d0 ː :
\u02f8 ˸ :
\u2982 :
\ua789 :
\ufe13 :
\uff1a :
\u204f ;
\ufe14 ;
\ufe54 ;
\uff1b ;
\ufe64 <
\uff1c <
\u0347 ͇ =
\ua78a =
\ufe66 =
\uff1d =
\ufe65 >
\uff1e >
\ufe16 ?
\ufe56 ?
\uff1f ?
\uff21 A
\u1d00 A
\uff22 B
\u0299 ʙ B
\uff23 C
\u1d04 C
\uff24 D
\u1d05 D
\uff25 E
\u1d07 E
\uff26 F
\ua730 F
\uff27 G
\u0262 ɢ G
\uff28 H
\u029c ʜ H
\uff29 I
\u026a ɪ I
\uff2a J
\u1d0a J
\uff2b K
\u1d0b K
\uff2c L
\u029f ʟ L
\uff2d M
\u1d0d M
\uff2e N
\u0274 ɴ N
\uff2f O
\u1d0f O
\uff30 P
\u1d18 P
\uff31 Q
\uff32 R
\u0280 ʀ R
\uff33 S
\ua731 S
\uff34 T
\u1d1b T
\uff35 U
\u1d1c U
\uff36 V
\u1d20 V
\uff37 W
\u1d21 W
\uff38 X
\uff39 Y
\u028f ʏ Y
\uff3a Z
\u1d22 Z
\u02c6 ˆ ^
\u0302 ̂ ^
\uff3e ^
\u1dcd ^
\u2774 {
\ufe5b {
\uff5b {
\u2775 }
\ufe5c }
\uff5d }
\uff3b [
\uff3d ]
\u02dc ˜ ~
\u02f7 ˷ ~
\u0303 ̃ ~
\u0330 ̰ ~
\u0334 ̴ ~
\u223c ~
\uff5e ~
\u008d 
\u009f Ÿ
\u0090 
\u2017 _
\u2014 -
\u2013 -
\u201a '
\u2039 <
\u203a >
\u203c !!
\u201e "
\u2026 ...
\u2060 ⁠⁠

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