Getting started

This guide shows how to get started using the Voice API.

Before you can start making calls, you need to complete some basic configuration steps:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Sinch Customer Dashboard: Before you can use the Voice API, if you do not already have an account, you need to sign up for a free Sinch account. This is a quick process where you submit some basic details, including a mobile number you can then use for testing - sign up for a free account.
    Need help?

    Click here to learn how to sign up.

  1. Get your free Sinch testing number. When you sign up for a Sinch Customer Dashboard account, you get a free virtual number for testing. You must activate your test number before you can use it. To activate your number, simply click the link.
    Need help?

    Click here to learn how to activate your free number.

    Ready to purchase a number?

    Click here to learn how get a number from Sinch.

  1. Assign your number to your Voice app. After your number is activated, navigate to your apps. You'll be redirected to the Test Application which was automatically created for you. Under Assigned Numbers, click Add Numbers and assign your free number to your app.

Next steps

Now you're ready to get started making calls with Voice API. These guides will walk you through setting up a simple application in the following languages: