Voice REST API Tutorials

Learn how to apply the Voice REST API by following these tutorials:

Tutorial Description Language
Build your own conference calling system Learn how to build your own conference calling system. ASP.NET
Build your own conferencing system, part 1 Learn how to build your own conferencing system in MVC, part 1 of a two part series. ASP.NET MVC 5
Build your own conferencing system, part 2 Learn how to build your own conferencing system in MVC, part 2 of a two part series. ASP.NET MVC 5
Mask a number Learn how to mask a number on an incoming call. ASP.NET Core 6.0
Build a lead qualification app Learn how to build an app that qualifies leads using AMD and IVR. Node.js
Secure your Sinch Calling app Learn how to secure your application. ASP.NET MVC 5
Delegated security using the Sinch SDK Learn how to set up delegated security in your application. ASP.NET MVC 5
Build a conference calling app Learn how to build a conference application. Node.js
Test Sinch callbacks Learn how to redirect a phone call to your number from a Sinch number using ngrok. Node.js
Send OTP codes with text to speech calls Learn how to send OTP codes in text to speech callouts. Node.js