Blacklisting numbers from callbacks

Get to know how to blacklist numbers from generating callbacks.

Add to blacklist endpoint

Blacklist numbers, preventing them from generating inbound message callbacks.


It can take up to five minutes for all caches to get up to date after blacklisting a number.


POST whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/provision/blacklist

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
numbers List of MSISDNs String array N/A 1 to 20 elements Yes


  "numbers": ["46732001122", "46732002244"]


200 OK

Empty response body

400 Bad Request

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

401 Unauthorized

There was an authentication error with your request. Either you're using incorrect credentials or you're attempting to authenticate in a region where your bot doesn't reside. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

503 Service Unavailable

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

Remove from blacklist endpoint

Remove numbers from blacklist.


It can take up to five minutes for all caches to get up to date after removing a number from the blacklist.


DELETE whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/provision/blacklist

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
numbers List of MSISDNs String array N/A 1 to 20 elements Yes


  "numbers": ["46732001122", "46732002244"]


200 OK

Empty response body

400 Bad Request

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

401 Unauthorized

There was an authentication error with your request. Either you're using incorrect credentials or you're attempting to authenticate in a region where your bot doesn't reside. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

503 Service Unavailable

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

Get blacklist endpoint

Get the numbers that are on the blacklist.


The blacklist is divided into pages, with one hundred numbers per page. A successful request returns a single page.


GET whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/provision/blacklist

The endpoint takes an optional query parameter:

Name Description Default Constraints Required
page The blacklist page to request 0 Integer (0 denotes the first page) No

Sample request

GET whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/provision/blacklist?page=1


200 OK

The response body will be a JSON object with the following parameter:

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type
numbers List of MSISDNs String array


  "numbers": ["+46732001122", "+46732002244"]

400 Bad Request

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

401 Unauthorized

There was an authentication error with your request. Either you're using incorrect credentials or you're attempting to authenticate in a region where your bot doesn't reside. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

503 Service Unavailable

There was an error with your request. The body is a JSON object described in the introduction

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