Send WhatsApp Messages

Send messages via WhatsApp with Sinch WhatsApp API. Get more information here.

The message endpoint is used as the primary endpoint of the API and this is where all the messages are sent through.

WhatsApp message flow


  1. Customer opt-in is essential before sending any messages. The Sinch WhatsApp Business Messaging API does not check whether recipients have opted in before sending messages, so the user must ensure that the recipient has opted in before sending. For more information on the opt-in and opt-out requirements for WhatsApp messages, see the WhatsApp Business Policy .
  2. Businesses can only start a conversation with a defined approved WhatsApp template . Templates can be created on the Sinch Customer Dashboard .
  3. Once you get a reply from your customer, a customer care session starts. You can then send “session” rich content messages for 24 hours.
  4. Every time a customer replies to one of your messages, a new 24-hour cycle starts.
  5. If a “session” expires, you’ll need to re-initiate a conversation, starting with a defined message template again.
  6. Customers can start a rich content conversation with a business at any time; this opens up a new 24-hour session.

Send a WhatsApp message


POST whatsapp/v1/{bot-id}/messages

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
to List of MSISDNs String array N/A 1 to 20 elements Yes
message Message object Object N/A Valid Message object Yes
callback Callback URL to overwrite configured callback URL for status updates String N/A Valid URL No


201 Created

The response body is a JSON object with the same format as a delivery report callback.

  "type": "whatsapp",
  "statuses": [
      "message_id": "01DPNXZ0WCF9XD19MH84XD0P62",
      "recipient": "+46732001122",
      "status": "success",
      "state": "queued"

400 Bad Request

There was an error with your request. The body of the error is a JSON object described in the introduction.

401 Unauthorized

There was an authentication error with your request. Either you're using incorrect credentials or you're attempting to authenticate in a region where your bot doesn't reside. The body of the error is a JSON object described in the introduction.

403 Forbidden

Your request has been received, but access is forbidden. The WhatsApp bot you are using to send messages has been suspended. This can happen for various reasons, including outstanding charges. The body of the error is a JSON object described in the introduction.

500 Internal Server Error

An unexpected error occurred before queueing your message or while your message was being queued. The body of the error is a JSON object described in the introduction.

Message object types

The types of messages that can be sent are one of the following:

Template message

In order to send a template message, you must use an approved WhatsApp template. WhatsApp templates can be created using the Sinch Customer Dashboard. Your Sinch Account Manager may also help you create templates during onboarding. In either case, the created templates are submitted to Meta for approval. Once Meta approves a template, you'll be able to use it to send template messages.


WhatsApp template names must be unique.

When creating template messages, note the following:

  • Accepted language codes can be found in the introduction .
  • You can use media provider feature in template messages.
  • As of 29th June, 2021 , the use of the ttl parameter when sending template messages is DEPRECATED. WhatsApp no longer supports the feature.

The table below provides the JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value template. String N/A N/A Yes
template_name The unique name of the template. This is how you identify which template to use to send the template message. String N/A N/A Yes
language Language to send the template in. String en Language codes and locales (e.g en, en_us) No
header_params Parameter to inject into the header of the template. String array N/A Should only be used when there is a header of type text in the template.

Up to 60 characters for all parameters and predefined template header text.
body_params Parameters to inject into the body of the template. String array N/A Not allowed when there are no body parameters defined in the template.

Up to 1024 characters for all parameters and predefined template text.
media An object describing the document, image or video to include in the header of the template. The objects are the same as described under Document message, Image message and Video message below, except that the caption parameter is not allowed. Also see the note below. For a message without media, set the media type to text. Object N/A N/A Yes, if the template definition includes a header.
buttons A list of buttons to include in the template message. List of button objects N/A N/A Yes, if the template definition includes either at least one quick reply button or a dynamic URL button.

The caption parameter is not supported for media in template messages. For document media, the filename parameter can be used to describe the file. If the filename parameter is not explicitly used, it will take the default value "Filename."

When the buttons parameter is not provided in a message for a template where quick reply buttons are defined, the message will be sent to the user, however when the user clicks a button, the resulting callback will contain an error.

Audio template messages are not supported.


Template with body paramTemplate with body and header paramsTemplate with imageTemplate with documentTemplate with video
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "test_template",
    "language": "en",
    "body_params": ["param here"],
    "media": {
      "type": "text"
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "demo_rich_text",
    "language": "en",
    "header_params": ["Nick"],
    "body_params": ["Swan Lake"],
    "media": {
      "type": "text"
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "demo_image",
    "language": "en",
    "body_params": ["Swan Lake"],
    "media": {
        "type": "image",
        "url": ""
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "demo_image",
    "language": "en",
    "body_params": ["John", "Parker"],
    "media": {
        "type": "document",
        "url": ""
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "demo_video",
    "language": "en",
    "body_params": ["John", "Parker"],
    "media": {
        "type": "video",
        "url": ""

Templates with buttons

  • Call button
Name Description JSON Type Constraints Required
type The type of button. String call Yes
  • URL button
Name Description JSON Type Constraints Required
type The type of button. String url Yes
parameter The URL parameter for the variable part of the URL. String N/A Yes, if the button is a dynamic URL button.
  • Quick reply button
Name Description JSON Type Constraints Required
type The type of button. String quick_reply Yes
payload A payload to return when the recipient presses the button. String N/A No

Find more button examples here.

Template with call and url buttonsTemplate with quick reply buttons
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "some_template_name",
    "language": "en",
    "body_params": ["some_first_parameter", "some_second_parameter"],
    "media": {
      "type": "image",
      "url": "",
      "provider": "some_provider_name"
    "buttons": [
        "type": "call"
        "type": "url",
        "parameter": "some_url_parameter"
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "template",
    "template_name": "some_template_name",
    "language": "en",
    "header_params": ["some_parameter"],
    "body_params": ["some_first_parameter", "some_second_parameter"],
    "media": {
      "type": "text"
    "buttons": [
        "type": "quick_reply",
        "payload": "some_quick_reply_payload"
        "type": "quick_reply"

Text message

Available formatting and using emojis for the text message content can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value text String N/A N/A Yes
preview_url Message object Boolean false true or false No
text The text message content String N/A Up to 4096 characters Yes
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "text",
    "preview_url": false,
    "text": "Greetings from Sinch"

Image message


Any media file sent through the Sinch WhatsApp API can be at most 100.0 MB

Accepted content types can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value image String N/A N/A Yes
url Public url of the image file. Should be either HTTP or HTTPS link. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header Yes
caption Optional caption that will be displayed underneath the image. String None N/A No
provider Optional name of a provider to be used when trying to download the file. String None N/A No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "image",
    "url": "",
    "caption": "Example Image"

Video message


Any media file sent through the Sinch WhatsApp API can be at most 100.0 MB

Accepted content types can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value video String N/A N/A Yes
url Public url of the video file (mp4). Should be either HTTP or HTTPS link. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header Yes
caption Optional caption that will be displayed underneath the video. String None N/A No
provider Optional name of a provider to be used when trying to download the file. String None N/A No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "video",
    "url": "",
    "caption": "Example Video",
    "provider": "your-bearer-provider"

Document message


Any media file sent through the Sinch WhatsApp API can be at most 100.0 MB

Accepted content types can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value document String N/A N/A Yes
url Public url of the document file. Should be either HTTP or HTTPS link. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header Yes
filename Optional parameter that describes the filename of the document. String None N/A No
caption Optional caption that will be displayed as the document title. String None N/A No
provider Optional name of a provider to be used when trying to download the file. String None N/A No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "document",
    "url": "",
    "caption": "Example study",
    "filename": "document.pdf"

Audio message


Any media file sent through the Sinch WhatsApp API can be at most 100.0 MB

Accepted content types can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value audio String N/A N/A Yes
url Public url of the audio file. Should be either HTTP or HTTPS link. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header Yes
provider Optional name of a provider to be used when trying to download the file. String None N/A No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "audio",
    "url": ""

Location message

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value location String N/A N/A Yes
lat The latitude position as a float number. Number N/A [-90, 90] Yes
lng The longitude position as a float number. Number N/A [-180, 180] Yes
name The name for the location. Will be displayed in the message. String N/A N/A No
address The address for the location. Will be displayed in the message. String N/A N/A No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "location",
    "lat": 55.7047,
    "lng": 13.191,
    "name": "Sinch Ideon Lund",
    "address": "Scheelevägen 17"

Contacts message

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value contacts String N/A N/A Yes
contacts List of contact cards Array[Object] N/A Valid contact cards Yes
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "contacts",
    "contacts": [
        "addresses": [
            "city": "Menlo Park",
            "country": "United States",
            "country_code": "us",
            "state": "CA",
            "street": "1 Hacker Way",
            "type": "HOME",
            "zip": "94025"
        "birthday": "2012-08-18",
        "emails": [
            "email": "",
            "type": "WORK"
        "name": {
          "first_name": "John",
          "formatted_name": "John Smith",
          "last_name": "Smith"
        "org": {
          "company": "WhatsApp",
          "department": "Design",
          "title": "Manager"
        "phones": [
            "phone": "+1 (650) 555-1234",
            "type": "WORK",
            "wa_id": "16505551234"
        "urls": [
            "url": "",
            "type": "WORK"

Sticker message

Custom sticker must comply with WhatsApp requirements:

  1. Each sticker should have a transparent background.
  2. Stickers must be exactly 512x512 pixels.
  3. Each sticker must be less than 100 KB.

Please note that WhatsApp doesn't support animated stickers.


For more information on using a custom sticker, please visit WhatsApp sticker page

Accepted content types can be found in the introduction.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value sticker. String N/A sticker Yes
url Public url of the sticker file. Should be either HTTP or HTTPS link. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header. Must not be used in combination with id. Yes
id ID of a sticker. Can be found using the stickerpack management endpoints. String N/A Accepted Content-Type header. Must not be used in combination with url. Yes
provider Optional name of a media provider to be used when trying to download the file. String None Can only be used in combination with url, not with id. No

Only one of the parameters url and id may be used in a single request.

  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "sticker",
    "url": ""

Stickers can be organized in stickerpacks. See Stickerpack Management for more on this.

Interactive message

Interactive messages give the recipient options to choose from. The choices are returned in callbacks.

JSON object parameters:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value interactive String N/A N/A Yes
message The specific interactive message: button, list, product, or product list Object false Described below Yes

Button message

This message type provides the recipient with up to three buttons which can be pressed. A button press causes a response to be sent back in a callback. See Interactive button reply message

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value button String N/A N/A Yes
header See decription below Object false Described below No
body See decription below Object false Described below Yes
footer See decription below Object false Described below No
action See decription below Object false Described below Yes

The button header has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type One of text, document, video, or image String N/A N/A Yes

The rest of the header fields are different for different header types.

  • Text header
Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The header text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes
  • Document header
Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
url The URL where the document is located String N/A N/A Yes
filename The document's filename String N/A N/A No
provider Name of a provider (see media provider) Object N/A N/A No
  • Video header
Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
url The URL where the video is located String N/A N/A Yes
provider Name of a provider (see media provider) Object N/A N/A No
  • Image header
Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
url The URL where the image is located String N/A N/A Yes
provider Name of a provider (see media provider) Object N/A N/A No

The button body has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The body text String N/A Max 1024 characters Yes

The button footer has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The footer text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The button action has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
buttons A list of objects describing the buttons to include Array[Object] N/A [1, 3] button objects Yes

Each button object has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value reply Array[Object] N/A N/A Yes
id The button's id String N/A Max 230 characters Yes
title The button's title String N/A Max 20 characters Yes
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "interactive",
    "message": {
      "type": "button",
      "header": {
        "type": "video",
        "url": ""
      "body": {
        "text": "Body text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "action": {
        "buttons": [
            "type": "reply",
            "title": "Title 1",
            "id": "Id 1"
            "type": "reply",
            "title": "Title 2",
            "id": "Id 2"
            "type": "reply",
            "title": "Title 3",
            "id": "Id 3"

List message

This message type provides the recipient with a list of choices. Pressing one of the choices causes a response to be sent back in a callback. See Interactive list reply message

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value list String N/A N/A Yes
header See decription below Object false Described below No
body See decription below Object false Described below Yes
footer See decription below Object false Described below No
action See decription below Object false Described below Yes

The list header has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value text String N/A N/A Yes
text The header text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The list body has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The body text String N/A Max 1024 characters Yes

The list footer has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The footer text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The list action has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
button The list is shown after pressing a button which displays this text String N/A Max 20 characters Yes
sections A array of sections of rows Array[Object] N/A [1, 10] section objects Yes

Each list section has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
title The title of the section String N/A Max 24 characters Yes
rows Each row is an option that the recipient can choose Array[Object] N/A [1, 10] row objects, but the total number of rows in all sections can be at most 10 Yes

The total number of rows in all sections in a list message can be at most 10.

Each row object has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
id The ID of the row String N/A Max 174 characters. Each ID must be unique in the message. Yes
title The title of the row String N/A Max 20 characters Yes
description The description of the row String N/A Max 72 characters No
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "interactive",
    "message": {
      "type": "list",
      "header": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Header text"
      "body": {
        "text": "Body text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "action": {
        "button": "Press me",
        "sections": [
            "title": "Section 1",
            "rows": [
                "title": "A row",
                "id": "ID 1",
                "description": "Description"
            "title": "Section 2",
            "rows": [
                "title": "Another row",
                "id": "ID 2",
                "description": "Description"

Product message

This message type provides the recipient with information about a product in a product catalog. The recipient can respond with questions about a product or by placing an order for products.

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value product String N/A N/A Yes
body See decription below Object false Described below No
footer See decription below Object false Described below No
action See decription below Object false Described below Yes

The product message body has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The body text String N/A Max 1024 characters Yes

The product message footer has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The footer text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The product message action has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
catalog_id The ID of the product catalog to which the product belongs String N/A N/A Yes
product_retailer_id The ID of the specific product in the product catalog String N/A N/A Yes
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "interactive",
    "message": {
      "type": "product",
      "body": {
        "text": "Body text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "action": {
        "catalog_id": "catalogid",
        "product_retailer_id": "productretailerid",

Find more product message examples here.

Product list message

This message type provides the recipient with a list of products in a product catalog. The recipient can respond with questions about a product or by placing an order for products.

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value product_list String N/A N/A Yes
header See decription below Object false Described below Yes
body See decription below Object false Described below Yes
footer See decription below Object false Described below No
action See decription below Object false Described below Yes

The product list message header has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
type Constant value text String N/A N/A Yes
text The header text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The product list message body has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The body text String N/A Max 1024 characters Yes

The product list message footer has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
text The footer text String N/A Max 60 characters Yes

The product list message action has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
catalog_id The ID of the product catalog to which the products belong String N/A N/A Yes
sections An array of sections of products Array[Object] N/A [1, 10] section objects Yes

Each product list message section has the following fields:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
title The title of the section String N/A Required if the message has more than one section; Max 24 characters Yes
product_items An array of products Array[Object] N/A At least one product item object; the total number of products in all sections can be at most 30 Yes
  • The total number of products in all sections in a product list message can be at most 30.
  • If you include a product ID that does not exist, you may recieve a delivery report with a warning state and a description of the issue. The product list message should be still be successfully sent, omitting the nonexistent product, as long as the message includes any other existing product retailer IDs.

Each product item object in a product_items array has the following field:

Name Description JSON Type Default Constraints Required
product_retailer_id The ID of the specific product in the product catalog String N/A N/A Yes
Product list message with one sectionProduct list message with two sections
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "interactive",
    "message": {
      "type": "product_list",
      "header": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Header text"
      "body": {
        "text": "Body text"
      "action": {
        "catalog_id": "catalogid",
        "sections": [
            "product_items": [
                "product_retailer_id": "product1"
                "product_retailer_id": "product2"
  "to": ["46732001122"],
  "message": {
    "type": "interactive",
    "message": {
      "type": "product_list",
      "header": {
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Header text"
      "body": {
        "text": "Body text"
      "footer": {
        "text": "Footer text"
      "action": {
        "catalog_id": "catalogid",
        "sections": [
            "title": "Section 1",
            "product_items": [
                "product_retailer_id": "product1"
                "product_retailer_id": "product2"
            "title": "Section 2",
            "product_items": [
                "product_retailer_id": "product3"

Find more product list message examples here.

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